Free Amazon DOP-C02 Exam Questions

Absolute Free DOP-C02 Exam Practice for Comprehensive Preparation 

  • Amazon DOP-C02 Exam Questions
  • Provided By: Amazon
  • Exam: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer- Professional
  • Certification: AWS Certified Professional
  • Total Questions: 340
  • Updated On: May 28, 2024
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 680
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  • Question 1
    • A leading media company has recently moved its .NET web application from its on-premises network to AWS Elastic Beanstalk for easier deployment and management. An Amazon S3 bucket stores static contents such as PDF files, images, videos, and the likes. An Amazon DynamoDB table stores all of the data of the application. The company has recently launched a series of global marketing campaigns that resulted in unpredictable spikes of incoming traffic. Upon checking, the Operations team discovered that over 80% of the traffic is just duplicate read requests.
      As a DevOps Engineer, how can you improve the application's performance for its users around the world?

      Answer: C
  • Question 2
    • A telecommunications company has a web portal that requires a cross-region failover. The portal stores its data in an Amazon Aurora database in the primary region (us-west-1) and the Parallel Query feature is also enabled in the database to optimize some of the I/O and computation involved in processing data-intensive queries. The portal uses Route 53 to direct customer traffic to the active region.
      Which among the options below should be taken to MINIMIZE downtime of the portal in the event that the primary database fails?

      Answer: C
  • Question 3
    • A leading telecommunications company is using CloudFormation templates to deploy enterprise applications to their production, staging, and development environments in AWS. Their current process involves manual changes to their CloudFormation templates in order to specify the configuration variables and static attributes for each environment. The DevOps Engineer was tasked to set up automated deployments using AWS CodePipeline and ensure that the CloudFormation template is reusable across multiple pipelines.
      How should the DevOps Engineer satisfy this requirement?

      Answer: B
  • Question 4
    • A leading e-commerce company has a payment portal that handles the payment and refund transactions of its online platform. The portal is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of On-Demand EC2 instances across three multiple Availability Zones in the US West (N. California) region. There is a new requirement to improve the system monitoring of the application as well to track the number of payment and refund transactions being done every minute. The DevOps team should also be notified if this metric breached the specified threshold.
      Which of the following options provides the MOST cost-effective and automated solution that will satisfy the above requirement?

      Answer: A
  • Question 5
    • A leading software development company has various web applications hosted in an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances which are designed for high availability and fault tolerance. They are using AWS CloudFormation to easily manage their cloud infrastructure as code as well as for deployment. Currently, they have to manually update their CloudFormation templates for every new available AMI of their application. This procedure is prone to human errors and entails a high management overhead on their deployment process.
      Which of the following is the MOST suitable and cost-effective solution that the DevOps engineer should implement to automate this process?

      Answer: A
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